Eco-Friendly Wastewater Solutions for all New Zealanders
At Hydrozone, we believe all New Zealanders have the right to clean drinking water, healthy uncontaminated soils and clean water ways. That’s why we developed the Hydrozone Environmental Eco-Friendly Wastewater Treatment Plants. Our Septic Treatment Plants are an eco-friendly, affordable wastewater system tailor-made for each site on which it is installed. These are scalable eco-septic sewage treatment plants ideal for single and multi-dwelling properties and commercial premises where mains drainage is not available. Hydrozone Environmental Eco-Friendly treatment plants provide advanced aerobic treatment of wastewater for on-site discharge to land.
Hydrozone is a New Zealand owned and operated company based in Taranaki. We design, manufacture and supply Hydrozone Wastewater Systems to regions across New Zealand including Waikato, Hawkes Bay, Northland, Auckland, Taranaki, Wanganui/Manawatu and Wellington.
12 things to ask when choosing a Wastewater System
1. What is the system’s power consumption?
2. How many moving parts does it have?
3. Is extra piping required?
4. How many tanks are required?
5. What is the system’s foot print?
6. Is your site flat or sloping?
7. What soil type is the site comprised of?
8. Will the system be in-ground or above ground?
9. What maintenance is required or available?
10. Does it require worms?
11. How easy is it to replace the media bed?
12. Is the operation odourless?

Introducing the Hydrozone Environmental Eco-Friendly Treatment Plant
The Hydrozone eco-septic systems are an innovative, cost-effective solution for treating domestic and commercial wastewater. These are scalable eco-friendly treatment systems for 7 to 300 people where mains drainage isn’t available.
Suitable for Land Discharge
The treated wastewater is suitable for land discharge in areas with high water tables and around water courses, without the risk of soil and water contamination. These treatment plants are also designed to help clean up New Zealand’s waterways by effectively treating waste before it is returned to the local ecosystem.
Ideal for almost any application
Whatever your unique situation, chances are we can design a solution that fits your needs. Application examples include:
Rest homes
Residential homes
Farms and lifestyle blocks
Commercial buildings
Now you can treat wastewater responsibly AND BE ECO-effective
In New Zealand, we all live on a giant artesian bore, from which many communities draw their fresh water. We know we must take care to preserve the quality of this water, but it’s all too easy for contaminants to enter this ecosystem.
In many parts of New Zealand, it’s up to the landowner to treat wastewater. It’s up to us to sustain the health of our properties for the well-being of our families and communities. To do that, we need effective, reliable systems to treat and manage our wastewater before it is returned to the land and the water cycle. That’s exactly what the Hydrozone system does.
What are your unique wastewater treatment needs?
Discover how we can design a Hydrozone Ecosystem that suits your requirements, solves your wastewater problems and helps protect New Zealand’s waterways.