Pro10 Ecosystem Treatment Plant
The Pro10 Treatment Plant uses the same technology as Pureflow, however, the Pro10 is a slightly larger system. This is an option for higher levels of wastewater flow rates and still gives you the same quality of treated wastewater to protect your family and environment.
Typical applications include properties with two dwellings such as a house with a granny flat. It offers advanced aerobic treatment of domestic and commercial wastewater for on-site discharge to land.
State-of-the Art Biofiltration
The system uses a recirculating packed-bed biofilter. Biofiltration is a pollution control technique using a bioreactor containing living material to capture and biologically degrade waste. The technology is well-known for reliably delivering aerobic advanced secondary treatment of wastewater in situations of irregular flows and loads.
Low Energy, Low Maintenance
Pureflow systems are installed discretely below ground, and feature ‘no noise’ operation. They are low energy and low maintenance. They are also a completely natural wastewater system, with only one pump to operate the plant. By using alternative passive dosing devices, we can provide a system that will treat your wastewater to an extremely high standard.
Discharged to Land
The high quality of the Pureflow treated wastewater means it is suitable for land discharge onsite using a shallow-buried or surface-layered dripperline.
Very price competitive and very low energy costs (single pump operation is as little as $6 per month, depending on household volumes)
Discrete below ground installation
Odourless and quiet operation
Proven technology with robust, reliable performance
Low ongoing operation and maintenance costs
An easy-to-install design = reduced installation cost
Strong, innovative concrete tank design
Independently tested means proven performance
Effluent Discharge Standard of 5mg/l B.O.D < 5mg/l T.S.S
Suitable for discharge in high water table areas and around water courses (subject to local government requirements)
Able to treat up to 1,400L of wastewater per day
What are your unique wastewater treatment needs?
Discover how we can design a Hydrozone System that suits your requirements, solves your wastewater problems and helps protect New Zealand’s waterways.